Happy Dog Vet Hypersensitivity száraz kutyaeledel allergiára és táplálékérzékenységre

Gyártó: Happy Dog
Elérhetőség: Külső raktáron (2-4 munkanap)


Kérjük érdeklődjön az aktuális árakról emailben az informacio@homevet.hu címen vagy telefonon a +36301217464 telefonszámon.

Elérhető kiszerelések: 1 kg, 4kg, 12kg

A forgalmazó kérésére online nem értékesíthető.

Teljes értékű diétás eledel felnőtt kutyáknak allergia vagy táplálékérzékenység kezelésére. 

Fehérjeforrás: Fürj

Szénhidrátforrás: Gesztenye

Medicinal dog food for food intolerances

Happy Dog VET Diät Hypersensitivity is a dietary complete feed for adult dogs for reduction of ingredient and nutrient intolerances. The main features of this hypoallergenic recipe are the exclusive animal protein source quail and the unusual carbohydrate source Italian sweet chestnut, which provide the ideal basis for an elimination diet. The very well tolerated recipe achieves a high level of acceptance and the moderate protein and fat levels promote good physical condition, even when used for long periods.

  • Use of a rare protein source and a rare carbohydrate source
  • Valuable essential omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids support the skin’s metabolism
  • Grain-free recipe with stomach and gut-friendly properties

Dietary complete feed for adult dogs for reduction of ingredient and nutrient intolerances. Happy Dog VET Diet Hypersensitivity is only available on the recommendation of a vet.

Additional advice:

  • It is recommended that a veterinarian’s opinion be sought before using this medicinal dog food and before extending the period of use.
  • For best effect, feed the dietary food exclusively. Discuss any supplementary nutrition needs with your vet.
  • Water should be available at all times.
  • Recommended period of use: three to eight weeks. If signs of intolerance disappear this feed can be used initially up to one year.
  • Happy Dog VET Diet Hypersensitivity may increase the volume of stools.
  • Composition

    Italian sweet chestnut meal (60.5 %), quail protein* (27 %), sunflower oil, hydrolysed liver (<10,000 D), canola oil, sodium chloride

    Selected protein source: Quail
    Selected carbohydrate source: Italian sweet chestnuts
    (Due to manufacturing tolerances, the feed may still contain traces of other proteins and carbohydrates)

    *) dried


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Betegség Táplálékallergia
Állat életkor Minden életkor
Méret Minden méretű
fehérjeforrás Fürj