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Elérhető kiszerelések: 1 kg, 4kg
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Teljes értékű diétás eledel felnőtt májbeteg kutyák kezelésére
Veterinary special diet in cases of liver insufficiency and copper storage disease
Happy Dog VET Diet Hepatic can help significantly to support and relieve stress on the liver in adult dogs with chronic liver insufficiency and in cases of copper storage disease. This dietary complete feed offers a moderate level of protein with selected and highly digestible protein sources (rice protein, chicken meat), and so effectively reduces the stress caused by harmful metabolic products. A restricted level of copper helps to reduce the storage of copper in the liver. The milk thistle it contains is traditionally used in liver disorders, while the vitamin and trace element levels are matched to the special needs of dogs with liver disease.
- A moderate level of highly digestible protein helps to support protein metabolism
- A restricted copper level helps to reduce copper storage in the liver
- As an antioxidant, vitamin E binds free radicals and guarantees active cell protection
Dietary complete feed for adult dogs for support of liver function in the case of chronic liver insufficiency and for reduction of copper in liver. Happy Dog VET Diet Hepatic is only available on a vet’s recommendation.
Additional advice:
- It is recommended that a veterinarian’s opinion be sought before using this special feed or extending the length of use (when used to reduce copper storage in the liver).
- For best effect, feed the dietary food exclusively. Discuss any supplementary nutrition needs with your vet.
- Offer several small meals per day unless otherwise recommended by your vet.
- The amount of food should be adapted to suit the individual pet’s metabolism, so it may be necessary to reduce or increase the quantity to a certain extent.
- Water should be available to your dog at all times.
- Recommended period of use for chronic renal insufficiency: initially up to 4 months; to reduce copper storage in the liver: initially up to 6 months.
Betegség | Májbetegség |
Állat életkor | Felnőtt |
Méret | Minden méretű |
fehérjeforrás | Csirkehús |