Happy Cat Vet Adipositas túlsúlyos macskák számára


Happy Cat Vet Adipositas túlsúlyos macskák számára. A csökkentett energiatartalom, magas minőségű fehérje és magas rost tartalom hozzájárul a macska testsúlyának csökkentéséhez. 

Gyártó: Happy Cat
Elérhetőség: Külső raktáron (2-4 munkanap)


Kérjük érdeklődjön az aktuális árakról emailben az informacio@homevet.hu címen vagy telefonon a +36301217464 telefonszámon.

Elérhető kiszerelések: 300g, 1 kg, 4kg, konzerv 200g.

A forgalmazó kérésére online nem értékesíthető.

Happy Cat Vet Adipositas túlsúlyos macskák számára. A csökkentett energiatartalom, magas minőségű fehérje és magas rost tartalom hozzájárul a macska testsúlyának csökkentéséhez. 

Dietary complete feed for reduction of excess weight in adult cats

The Happy Cat VET Diet Adipositas dry food is given to overweight cats.. The main feature of this diet is the greatly reduced level of energy which can help your cat to lose weight. It is rich in high-grade protein and filling dietary fibre. The special recipe creates the optimum conditions for weight reduction to protect the internal organs, and helps to maintain and improve the physical condition. Valuable nutrients such as hydrolysed collagen, New Zealand mussels and glucosamine complete this dry food recipe. The herbs rosemary and ginger also stimulate the metabolism of chubby cats.

  • An elevated fibre content helps to maintain a long-lasting feeling of fullness in overweight cats

  • A high level of highly digestible protein helps to maintain muscle strength during weight reduction

  • New Zealand mussels, glucosamine and hydrolysed collagen contribute to good joint function

Dietary complete feed for adult cats for reduction of excessive body weight. Only available on a vet’s recommendation.

Additional advice:

  • It is recommended that advice from a veterinarian be sought before feeding Happy Cat VET Diet Adipositas.

  • For overweight cats, a transition period when starting the diet is advised.

  • For an efficient weight loss or ideal weight maintenance, the recommended daily energy intake should not be exceeded.

  • Water should be available to your cat at all times.

  • Any weight reduction programme for overweight cats should be carried out under veterinary supervision.

  • For best effects, feed the dietary food exclusively. Discuss any supplementary nutrition needs with your vet.

  • The optimum weight loss of 0.5 – 2 % of the current body weight per week should be checked regularly.

  • The amount of food should be adapted to suit your cat’s individual metabolism, so it may be necessary to reduce or increase the quantity to a certain extent.

  • To avoid digestive issues, gradually change the food over the course of several days.

  • Offer your cat several small meals per day unless otherwise recommended by your vet.

  • Recommended period of use: Until target body weight is achieved and after if required to maintain the ideal weight.

  • If mixing with Happy Cat VET Diet Adipositas wet food, please note that 100 g wet food is roughly equivalent to 20 g dry food


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